Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress


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Home page TAH partonomy
Top level systema skeletale Short Extended
Level 2 columna vertebralis Short Extended
Level 3 vertebrae cervicales Short Extended
Current level atlas
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
12519 802 tax
23978 803 tax
massa lateralis atlantis (par)
lateral mass of atlas (pair)
23985 804 tax
facies articularis superior atlantis (par)
superior articular surface of atlas (pair)
23986 805 tax
facies articularis inferior atlantis (par)
inferior articular surface of atlas (pair)
17138 tax
tuberculum ligamenti transversi atlantis
tubercle of transverse ligament of atlas
23976 806 tax
arcus anterior atlantis
anterior arch of atlas
23996 807 tax
fovea dentis
fovea of tooth
24096 808 tax
tuberculum anterius (par)
anterior tubercle (pair)
23977 809 tax
arcus posterior atlantis
posterior arch of atlas
75070 810 tax
sulcus arteriae vertebralis (par)
groove of vertebral artery (pair)
75373 811 tax
(canalis arteriae vertebralis (par) )
(canal of vertebral artery (pair) )
24099 812 tax
tuberculum posterius processus transversi atlantis (par)
posterior tubercle of transverse process of atlas (pair)
24293 10659 tax
foramen vertebrale atlantis
vertebral foramen of atlas
23981 10657 tax
processus transversus atlantis (par)
transverse process of atlas (pair)
23998 10658 tax
foramen transversarium atlantis (par)
transverse foramen of atlas (pair)
15 lines
100.0 %
100.0 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 802
Number of children 32 (validated)
Number of units 15 (validated)
Signature 12699 (validated since 7.10.2024)
Date: 13.10.2024